Howdy Doody

I go by many names: Grim, Matthias, Foxodawg, Dumbass Fox. This is a little place for me to be autistic as fuck, cringe, and free. I'm a massive fan of Etrian Odyssey, in case it wasn't obvious from my entire theme. The little fuckwits around the page are my mascots and I'm going to punt them like a child through a field goal (yet to be implemented bc I'm fucking lazy). Enjoy your time here, and welcome to the Yggdrasil Labyrinth.

Site Updates

September 9, 2024

Added the currently listening to music thing. I tried to hook up to it but it wouldn't fit in the sidebar I made. For now take a really squished spotify playlist that will hopefully update automatically

August 1, 2024

Finally made real progress on this place. Corrected colour scheme, added some real text and a banner image, added site updates, added music


hm im in my joker arc right now and there are a lof of rich people here as if they live in a socierty or something now i know i lkie making pranks and everything but uh rich people i cant tolreate lets just say society treat me in a very bad way thats wy i lash out with my uh funny pranks now i ran out of uh pianos mo im gonna have to improvise here hmm lets see i could go for the usual creame pie but i feel like those big glass windos right in front of you might stop that man coming up with good materiesl on the spot is not easy man if only that other guy were here the one that got that was truck by a comically large anvil id bet hed give me some inspiration right about now

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Currently Bangin

we do a bit of yappin
we do a bit of yappin
we do a bit of yappin
we do a bit of yappin

Etrian Odyssey 1 - The Green Green Woodlands ||

Etrian Odyssey 1 - The Green Green Woodlands ||